Dear Fellow Service Professional,
I get a monthly newsletter in my physical mailbox (the old-fashioned way) once a month, without fail. The newsletter has all kinds of interesting tips for homeowners, DIY projects, checklists, recipes and home decorating tips.
It’s from my realtor, the one who helped me buy my home — 14 years ago! Yes, he has not forgotten about me! And more importantly, I haven’t forgotten about him. If I ever decide to sell my house, rent it, or do anything that falls within his specialty, I’m sure to call him. And whenever a friend, colleague, or anyone asks for a reference in real estate, his name pops up.
And all of this because I get a reminder every month that he was my realtor. Do we talk, meet, or invite each other to parties and get-togethers? No, we’re not friends. But because he sends out the newsletter once a month, he is reminding me that if I ever need a realtor, he’s the one.
Occasionally, I don’t even read the newsletter. I peruse through the subheads, the titles of the articles, and then, into the recycling it goes. If there’s something of interest (like last month’s article on “Working from Home”) then I read the rest.
It’s Like Having a Standing Coffee Date
Imagine being in the forefront of your customers’ mind, providing value month after month. It’s like you were personally meeting them for coffee to discuss your business’ special events. Giving out “how to” tips, or sharing breakthrough news within your profession. That’s how you get remembered.
So, let me ask you this: Are you ready to take your business to the next level, with organic referrals coming in day after day? A newsletter may be the solution for you. Or maybe a social media or e-mail campaign would be a better fit. It all depends on your business, your customers’ needs and wants, and how you want to be perceived. Make no mistake — you will be remembered.
Sharing Breakthrough News and Information
Most newsletters have little to do with your actual business, though. Yet, they provide you with a chance to “sell without selling” on a consistent basis. You’re gently reminding your favorite customers and clients, that yes, you are always here to serve, to give the latest perspective on your specialty, or even sharing your favorite recipe. It makes you human, personable, — you’re no longer just the accountant, medical professional, florist, banker, attorney, or stylist. You’re someone they know and trust.
When you connect with your prospect on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis, you and your business are in the forefront of their mind. Remember, it doesn’t matter whether the prospect opens your newsletter or not. It matters that they are reminded, once again, that you are right here when needed.
Your inbox probably has some newsletters right now. Did you read them all? I know I didn’t. Again, some ended straight into the recycling bin — check the box, click and delete. When I do read the newsletters, they are always informative and I always gain some good information. After all, that’s why I entered my email and hit “Subscribe”.
Building and Nurturing Relationships
Newsletters are a great way for service providers to build relationships with potential customers and nurture relationships with past and current customers. As with any relationship, maintenance is the key. And after a while, your customers are expecting your newsletter in their mailbox or inbox every month. I know Scott’s Homeowner’s Update will be coming soon again.
Anyone can have a newsletter — veterinarians, accountants, medical professionals, hair stylists, florists, sports leagues, restaurants, tax preparation specialists, specialty shops, jewelers, bakeries, etc.
The newsletter can be short or long, with or without graphics, they can be informational and entertaining. I get one from a marketer that is nothing but a short 500-word letter a few times a week. Yet, brief as it is, it’s always packed with information I can use immediately. And I appreciate that.
Wouldn’t You Love to Be the One Everyone Refers to When a Friend Asks: “Who do you recommend for…?”
I can help you write fresh, relevant content on a regular basis (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly), so you can stay in touch with current, past, and potential clients.
Again, your newsletter can be set up anyway you want. If you need help writing or setting one up for your business, just call, text, email, or fill out the contact form on my website. Let’s talk.
Keep on Top of Mind.
Most sincerely,
Taru Nieminen, M.A.T.
P.S. The most important thing to remember is that once you start, your customers are now looking forward to your newsletter and the interesting ideas you share.
TKN Copywriting, LLC
Rockford, MI 49341